I'm Sarah,

A Channel, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Best-selling Author and self-proclaimed dog whisperer.

I support high-level women to activate their next level of prosperity, abundance, and success so that they can create the kind of life and impact that their soul desires. 

For over 25 years, I've immersed myself in the study and practical application of energy healing, intuitive methodology, intensive leadership training, advanced manifestation techniques and meditation practices. As a certified Master Healer with a high-level connection to Source, I tap into the core causes of what's in the way of my clients reaching their next-level of abundance and success by channeling through a life-changing healing and activation process.

Through my 1:1 practice and group healing programs, I've helped thousands of women create extraordinary results in every single area of their lives. They've scaled their businesses, doubled their revenue, bought multi-million dollar dream homes, landed book deals, sold out launches, met and married their soul mates, had babies and everything in between...

My non-fancy bio

I've been intuitive since an early age; I just always seemed to know stuff without knowing why I knew it. 

In 2014, I quit my corporate life, moved to Bali, and started exploring how to use my gifts for good. 

Over the last ten years, I've studied and trained under three of the world's top healers, traveled to South Africa to undergo intensive leadership training, lived on-site with the White Lions of Timbavati, and studied animal communication in Singapore. 

It's been a ride!

What's become crystal clear through this journey is that my soul mission is to support high-performing women to activate their next level of prosperity and success, through their divine purpose so that they can create the impact that they are destined to make.

Basically, I energetically and strategically support you to align with your highest timeline so that you can fulfil your soul mission and impact more lives - faster. 


Okay enough about me...


♡ You're a high-level woman who desires to create the kind of life and impact that your soul desires on a larger scale.  

♡ You've already created significant wealth and success in your business and are ready for your next level of expansion. You're seeking the energetic support and guidance to reach this next level in a way that feels really good for you. 

♡ You want someone else to channel, guide and support you so you make make aligned decisions and  take aligned actions. 

♡ You're committed to your personal growth and evolution because you understand that this is the key to creating extraordinary results in every area of your life and business.

♡  You're done with the hustle and want to create your next level of prosperity and success on your terms.

♡ But most importantly, you're open and emotionally ready to receive powerful, life-changing energy teachings and channeled healing.

Client Love Notes

Wondering what to do next?

Download and listen to my free 2024 Prosperity Healing to activate your next-level wealthy woman energy. 


Sarah xo

You can also find me here…
